The SVS995 is a 2.4" touchscreen VCCS which supports up to four radios, analogue, IP connected ED137 or any mix of the two.
Four frequencies available.
Complete system can be used immediately.
Fits any location.
The SVS995 is a 2.4" touchscreen VCCS which supports up to four radios, analogue, IP connected ED137 or any mix of the two.
The CWP consist our of two IP interfaces which both support Power Over Ethernet (POE), therefor only a single wire is needed to connect and power this console for ED137 radios. An additional 12VDC input is available.
Find all the documentation we have available for a detailed view of this product.
The SureVoice solid VCS is the heart of the Voice communication system.
The TCS990 digital switch is designed for traffic controllers who guard critical situations around the clock.
The SVP995 is our 5,7 inch touch screen console. It is executed vertical and for the rest identical to the STP995.